NBA: Yao siguron fitoren e Houston ndaj Portland

dardanmiftari | Monday, April 06, 2009 | 1 Komente

Yao Ming ka shënuar 21 pikë dhe ka realizuar 12 kërcime për të udhëhequr ekipin e tij Houston Rockets drejt fitores prej 102-88 ndaj Portland Trail Blazers në luftë për vendin e katërt të Konferencës Perëndimore.
Katër lojtarë të Houston shënuan pikë dyshifrore: Luis Scola, 16, Ron Artest, 15, Aaron Brooks, 14, dhe rezerva Von Wafer që e përfundoi ndeshjen me 12 pikë.LaMarcus Aldridge dhe Brandon Roy udhëhoqën tek Porland me nga 22 pikë secili.Fitorja i ngrit Rockets (49 fitore, 28 humbje) gjysmë ndeshje mbi Trail Blazers (48 fitore, 28 humbje) dhe i jep fund katër fitoreve radhazi të Portland.Rockets po ashtu i afrohen në gjysmë ndeshje edhe vendit të tretë të Perëndimit ku gjendet San Antonio (49 fitore, 27 humbje).


Ju pelqen artikulli shperndaje me shoke!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for writing in English.

    Ok I'm not sure what do you think but I've kind of feel that based on current form the Rockets might stand a better chance to topple the Lakers in the West, compare to the Spurs.

    They are playing better basketball at the moment and looks good to secure home court advantage in the first round. Plus, there is that small oppurtinity that it could the Blazers again.

    I'm just not too sure about the Spurs at the moment. The latest setback is Timmy's injury against the Cavs. Manu is still pretty much behind his best for now. They can't rely on Parker too much. The support has been very inconsistent.

    This is just my view on how I see things might occur in the post season. What's yours?


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